Deep Reinforcement Learning Expert Nanodegree

Professional | Nanodegree | AI & ML

Goal: To Advance Career | Salary: ₹14 lakh | Nanodegree | Proficiency in Python, Probability, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning | Taught by Udacity in collab. with Unity & Nvidia | Duration: 4 Months

This program helps you learn the deep reinforcement learning skills that are powering advances in AI. After the program, you will be able to start applying these to applications like video games and robotics.

Please note, you should have good proficiency in Python, Probability, Machine Learning and Deep Learning before you take up this program.

As such, we suggest that you should take up the Intro to Deep Learning Nanodegree program before this so you learn the fundamentals before this advanced topic.

What You’ll Learn

  • Master the fundamentals of reinforcement learning by writing your own implementations of many classical solution methods
  • Apply deep learning architectures to reinforcement learning tasks. Train your own agent that navigates a virtual world from sensory data
  • Learn the theory behind evolutionary algorithms and policy-gradient methods. Design your own algorithm to train a simulated robotic arm to reach target locations
  • How to apply reinforcement learning methods to applications that involve multiple, interacting agents

What You’ll Earn

  • ₹14 lakh per year is the average starting salary for a Deep Reinforcement Learning Expert in India (Source:,
  • $150,000+ per year is the average salary for a Deep Reinforcement Learning Expert in the US (Source:


This program will teach cutting-edge deep reinforcement learning algorithms—from Deep Q-Networks (DQN) to Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG).

You will be able to apply these concepts to train agents to walk, drive, or perform other complex tasks, and build a robust portfolio of deep reinforcement learning projects.

Here are the skills you will learn:

  • Reinforcement Learning: Value-Based Reinforcement Learning Exploration-Exploitation Dilemma
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning: Stochastic Policy Gradients REINFORCE Algorithm, Prioritized Experience Replay
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Generalised Advantage Estimation
  • Probability and Statistics: Markov Decision Processes
  • Game Theory: Markov Games
  • Data Structures and Algorithms: Monte Carlo Methods Dynamic Programming

Applied Learning Project

Under this nanodegree, you will implement several deep reinforcement learning algorithms using a combination of Python and deep learning libraries that will serve as portfolio pieces to demonstrate the skills you have acquired.

Over the course of the program, you will, among other things:

  • Leverage neural networks to train an agent to navigate a virtual world
  • Train a robotic arm to reach target locations and train a four-legged virtual creature to walk
  • Train a pair of agents to play tennis and then train a team of agents to play football

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Udacity courses at
Institution: Udacity, Unity, Nvidia
Platform: Udacity
Cost: From ~₹80k (₹23k/mth)
Certificate: Nanodegree
Duration: 4 months
Level: Professional
Language: English
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